5 Things To Know Before Installing Solar Panels

You must be hearing a lot about solar energy for a long time now. With the world's focus on sustainability and development, this energy alternative has really struck the right chord with environmentalists and industries. Evolving slowly, solar energy will undoubtedly become one of the largest sources of energy across the world. It is already considered to be so as earth right now gets 173,000 terawatts of solar energy each year. This is around 10000 times the world's current energy consumption. If you've liked the idea and are planning on installing solar panels we recommend going through 5 essential factors to consider before you undertake this process! 


1. Going for the right technology


The type of technology you choose will depend heavily on the kind of energy your business uses. Solar power is a source of power that can be used for multiple functions. For instance, solar thermal systems only allow you to heat water. Compared to this, a Photovoltaic system can produce electricity for your business. 


A photovoltaic system comes in two different options. The first one is a monocrystalline silicon panel. It is more efficient when capturing sunlight. However, compared to this, a polycrystalline panel is more suited to technologies currently. This increases its adaptability with various systems. 


2. What kind of inverter should you get?

Before solar panel installation, you need to remember that the DC current needs to be converted into AC current for usage. That's why two main types of inverters are used to do so. The first type is the string or centralized inverter. Being one of the most common inverters used around the globe, it's cost-effective compared to other inverters. It seamlessly converts all DC current to AC current. In this system the inverter is limited in its capacity. That’s because, when one solar panel goes down, the entire system loses capacity due to the centralised connection in this type.
The next step we'll be discussing is the microinverter. This system is mounted individually to each and every solar panel. This inverter removes the flaw of the string inverter and allows for maximum energy output. However, due to the heavy load these machines endure, their usable life is only 15 years. While installing solar panels you should carefully consider which inverter type you need!
3. Lookout for subsidies
Solar energy is the future of energy. That's why all the governments across the world want businesses to start running on it. This is why they provide hefty subsidies on solar energy plants to make it a more attractive energy option. Before installing solar panels we recommend you check out the subsidy rates the government provides, if any. The subsidy in India for solar panel installation is 30% as given by the central government. As opposed to this, the government provides extra subsidies for states like Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Lakshadweep of up to 70 %. This makes installing a solar panel system extremely profitable for your business! 
4. Decide upon the positioning of the panel
Choosing the position of the solar panels is quite important as without any sunlight your solar system is quite useless. Thus, while considering how to set it up, check which direction you live in. If you live in the northern hemisphere the sun will be in the southern sky, and vice versa. For installing solar panels that generate electricity throughout the day, placing them towards the east is beneficial. This would help in absorbing most of the sunlight through the day! Thus, you wouldn’t need to worry about low energy reserves even during the evening. The placement is quite feasible for businesses.
5. Decide if you want to use a battery
Thinking about batteries you may feel initially that there's no reason to get one. However, batteries have several side effects. First, their shelf life compared to their investment value is quite low and they make for costly investment. Next, batteries also need to be disposed of and this leaves a severe environmental footprint. This is why, if you have a business that runs during the day, leaving batteries out of the scope is a preferable option. However, if your business runs at night, getting a battery to support the basic needs of your business is a more viable option.
When installing solar panels there's a certain level of expertise required. These considerations are a few basic considerations everyone should be making. However, there are several other considerations related to the intricacies of solar panel systems and solar energy. Being aware of these elements is not always possible for you. That’s why we recommend hiring a leading solar energy services firm. Rays Experts is such a firm in India with extensive experience and knowledge in this domain. They can help you out with the various considerations you need to make before installing solar panels. The firm can also help you with solar panel installation. Log onto their website and check out their services today! 


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